de Venezuela
de Venezuela






Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) and its subsidiaries is a Corporation property of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, subordinated to the Venezuelan State and profoundly engaged with the genuine owner of oil: The Venezuelan People. Its operations are controlled and supervised by the People’s Power Ministry of Petroleum, oil national policy governing body, within the framework of the Homeland Plan Law guidelines, Second Socialist Plan of the Nation’s Social and Economic Development 2013-2019.


Among PDVSA’s main functions we find: Planning, coordination, supervision and control of the activities of its companies, both in Venezuela and abroad. Additionally, its activities also include promotion or participation in those activities aimed at promoting the country’s comprehensive, organic and sustainable development, including those of agricultural and industrial nature, elaboration and transforming of goods and their trading and service delivery in order to achieve a proper linkage of the resources coming from hydrocarbons with the Venezuelan economy.


Strategic Guidelines


PDVSA’s strategic orientation is mainly based on the following guidelines given by the Shareholder:

• To enhance our hydrocarbons natural resources to the benefit of the Nation.

• To help our country’s geopolitical positioning at international level, with key objectives of Venezuelan foreign policy, like fostering a comprehensive cooperation with strategic allies and the Latin American integration, within the context of transition towards multipolarity.

• To act as an instrument for the country’s endogenous development, levering the social-economic development, through industrialization and social equity policies.






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